Labour’s Hilary Benn REVEALS plan to seize Brexit from May - 'Time to take ...

Brexit news: Hilary Benn proposes amendmentBrexit news: Hilary Benn proposes amendment (Image: GETTY)

Mrs May gave a speech in the Commons yesterday to outline some of her Brexit plans ahead of the Parliamentary vote next week. The Prime Minister, however, was mocked by Jeremy Corbyn who likened her speech as a Brexit “Groundhog Day” as her plan was very similar to the original. Mrs May speech came amid a myriad of amendments put forward by MPs to try and alter the direction of Brexit, including an amendment tabled by Mr Benn that would give MPs the power to take a non-binding motion on four options.

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Speaking on BBC Newsnight Mr Benn said: “The Prime Minister said today, ‘well, what will the house support?’, well let’s have a vote and find out whether there are alternatives that could command a majority.

“What the Prime Minister said today shows that the door was opened but her mind was closed.

“If she’s not going to change then Parliament will have to take responsibility for getting us out of this mess.”

The four options within the Labour MPs amendment are: reconsidering Mrs May's deal, leaving the EU with

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