‘RIOTS ON STREETS!’ - Theresa May warns of DANGEROUS results of second ...

Brexit news: Theresa MayBrexit news: Theresa May (Image: GETTY)

Mrs May revealed the outline of her new Brexit plan on Monday but was widely mocked as it was accused of being very similar to her original proposal. Jeremy Corbyn likened her speech to a Brexit “Groundhog Day” as the Prime Minister pleaded with Parliament to give her enough support to go back to Brussels with some leverage. Mr Corbyn yesterday took the step of proposing an amendment which enabled MPs to vote on whether there should be a second referendum, of which Mrs May warned of grave possibilities.

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She said: “There has not yet been enough recognition of the way that a second referendum could damage social cohesion by undermining faith in our democracy.”

The Prime Minister also warned of her “deep concerns” about holding the original Brexit result with a second referendum.

In response to Mrs May, Labour MP Chuka Umunna insisted it would be “wholly wrong to allow any group to intimidate us”.

Fellow MP Peter Kyle said: “When did the Tory Party start running away from fascists rather than standing

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