Venezuela crisis: 'Yankee GO HOME!' - Vice President ATTACKS US amid opposition ...

Venezuela News: Maduro breaks ties with USVenezuela News: Maduro breaks ties with US (Image: GETTY)

Trump branded the current government as “illegitimate” and “officially recognised” opposition leader, Juan Guaido as the new Venezuelan President. In keeping with Trump’s view, Vice President Mike Pence issued a video offering the country’s “unwavering support” to the rioters who have packed the streets to demand Nicolas Maduro’s resignation. However, Rodriguez held a press conference where she said “Yankee, go home” and labelled the opposition’s plans as a danger to “peace and stability”.

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Maduro himself said in a response to Washington “We've had enough interventionism, here we have dignity, damn it!

“Here is a people willing to defend this land.”

In response to America’s continued support for his rival, he not only announced that he was breaking political and diplomatic relations with America but also that he had ordered all consulate staff to leave the country within the next 72 hours.

Backing Maduro, Communications Minister Jorge Rodriguez accused Mr Pence of having ordered “terrorists” to carry out acts of violence during Wednesday’s protest.


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