Royal ROW: How Prince Charles was 'upset' and 'worried' by Prince Harry

Prince Harry has now settled into happy  married life with Meghan Markle, as the pair step up their responsibilities as senior royals and prepare for the arrival of their firstborn. However, in his younger days, the Duke of Sussex worried his father Prince Charles with his poor performance at school and and “bad boy” behaviour. Katie Nicholl, in her 2017 book ‘Harry: Life, Loss and Love’, delves into the prince’s younger years.

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She writes: “Charles was understandably upset and worried by the decline in Harry’s behaviour and his poor academic performance at school.”

Harry joined his elder brother Prince William at the elite Eton College in 1998 and attended from ages 13 to 18.

“Being at Eton was not as easy a ride for Harry as it was for William,

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