'NO manners!’ Leadsom reacts to Donald Tusk’s ‘special place in HELL’ ...

The leader of the House of Commons Andrea Leadsom sarcastically referred to the President of the European Council as a “charming fellow” before insisting that he had no manners. Mr Tusk Tweeted after his speech: “I’ve been wondering what that special place in hell looks like for those who promoted Brexit without even a sketch of a plan how to carry it out safely.” While on BBC’s Politics Live Jo Coburn turned to her panel guests to get a response on Donald Tusk’s controversial comments.

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Mrs Leadsom said: “I said its a sign of a charming fellow.

“The man has no manners.

“I think it is extremely regrettable, not at all helpful but it is a matter for him."

Tusks comments come a day before Theresa May is set to visit Brussels in an attempt to renegotiate her Brexit withdrawal agreement and Irish backstop.

Andrea Leadsom and Donald TuskAndrea Leadsom reacted to Donald Tusk special place in hell comments on BBC's Politics Live (Image: BBC/Sky)

The man has no

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