Yellowstone’s deadly supervolcano ‘COUSIN’ set to blow underneath THESE ...

Yellowstone is a supervolcano located in Yellowstone National Park in the north-west of the US which poses world-changing effects should it blow. It has erupted three times in history – 2.1 million years ago, 1.2 million years ago and 640,000 years ago. Experts are constantly monitoring the caldera and its surrounding area in case of a fourth eruption, but they may have missed another huge build-up of magma across the country.

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Geologist Vadim Levin, of Rutgers University in New Jersey, revealed how a large-scale study in 2016 detected a huge mass of molten rock beneath the nations' northeastern states.

He said in 2018: “Our study challenged the established notion of how the continents on which we live behave.

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