Celebrities MOCK President " rel="tag">Donald on Presidents Day - 'Have fun ‘til ...

Donald TrumpUS President Donald Trump has been mercilessly trolled on Presidents Day (Image: GETTY)

Celebrities took to Twitter to sarcastically shoutout to their commander-in-chief. Actor Jeffrey Wright tweeted “In honour of Presidents Day, lie to everyone you meet and form your own criminal syndicate with the fam. Have fun ‘til the feds show up.” While activist, Cecile Richards, said she will be devoting her Presidents Day “to making sure in 2020 we get a new one”.

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George Takei, famous for his role in Star Trek, retweeted Trump and said: “You sound upset, Donald. Guess you must have been told more bad news about the investigation. Happy Presidents Day!”

Rhea Butcher, a stand-up comic, added: “I saw a sign that said 'Happy President’s Day' and I have never laughed so hard.”

Comedian, Chelsea Handler, said: “On Presidents Day, I’d like to thank the Trump family for my awakening. It drove me to see a psychiatrist, unwrap my own personal injuries, write a book, and film a documentary on white privilege. I am awake because of this presidency, and I choose to stay that way.”

The former US Secretary of Labour, Robert

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