Royal REBEL: Meghan Markle urged to STOP public displays of affection - 'less ...

Meghan Markle prince harryMeghan Markle and Prince Harry (Image: GETTY)

Family lawyer and relationship expert Sheela Mackintosh-Stewart told her heartfelt advice for the Duchess of Sussex, who has had a hard time in the limelight since marrying into the Royal Family. She said Meghan’s not-so-humble image is overshadowing her charity work and patronage. However, the relationship guru pointed out that Meghan may not be helping herself with her behaviour.

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For example, senior Royals never hold their spouses’ hands and that Meghan and Harry have been flouting this protocol “to the irritation of many”.

Ms Mackintosh-Stewart said: “The old-fashioned British value of humility is not Meghan’s strongest suit and reports of her financial extravagance have grated on the public.

“This image is overshadowing Meghan’s extensive charity work and her patronage of the Grenfell Tower

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