'Get ON with it!' - Question Time audience member SAVAGES Theresa May over ...

Brexit news Theresa May“You have a duty to dance to the turn that was given to you in 2016. Get on with it" (Image: BBC/GETTY )

The Question Time panel were debating the current Brexit deadlock, and the decisions of eight Labour and three Tory MPs to defect from their parties. Mrs May is negotiating with Brussels in the hope of amending her EU exit deal so it passes Parliament. Many Conservative MPs insist the current customs union backstop is utterly unacceptable.

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The audience member commented: “There is a key phrase being utilised here today in the debate taking place by the panel, and it’s called honouring democracy.

“You have a duty to dance to the turn that was given to you in 2016. Get on with it.

“We’re sick and tired on Theresa May trotting over to Brussels with her own form of independence.

"We voted to leave and end and sever ties and being dictated to by the European Union, get on with it.”

Mrs May’s Brexit deal was rejected by Parliament on January 15, by a record 230 votes.

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Brexit news Theresa May"We voted to leave and end and sever ties and being dictated to by the

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