MH370 SHOCK! Malaysia 'more than willing' to REOPEN search for Malaysia ...

MH370The search for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane could be reopened (Image: GETTY)

Malaysia has said it will consider resuming the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight. The flight, carrying 239 people, became the world's greatest aviation mystery when it vanished on its way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2014. Transport minister Anthony Loke said Malaysia is prepared to reward firms searching for MH370 under a "no-cure, no fee" agreement, meaning payment would be made only if they located the aircraft.

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A $141.60million (£103million) two-year underwater search was called off by Malaysia, China and Australia in January 2017 after finding no trace of the aircraft in the southern Indian Ocean.

A second three-month search, led by US exploration firm Ocean Infinity, ended similarly in May last year.

The Malaysian government had offered Ocean Infinity up to $70 million under such an agreement for its 2018 search.

Mr Loke said: “If there are any credible leads or specific proposals, we are more than willing to look at them and we are prepared to discuss with them the new proposals."

READ MORE: MH370 SHOCK: Missing Malaysia Airlines flight could

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