Labour CRISIS: 17 frontbench MPs set to OPPOSE Jeremy Corbyn over second ...

CorbynLabour frontbenchers are set to rebel against Jeremy Corbyn's second referendum (Image: GETTY)

Up to 17 shadow ministers have spoken out about the effects they believe a second vote could have on the UK. In the past 6 months, 13 of these ministers have publicly opposed a second referendum. Mr Corbyn could face mass resignations if he continues take the plan to a Commons vote, according to The Daily Telegraph.

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Shadow environment minister, David Drew, told his constituents that he would “never support a referendum on anything again”.

Meanwhile Shadow Economic Secretary to the Treasury Jonathan Reynolds added that another poll was “not my personal position”.

The shadow health minister, Julie Cooper, echoed their thoughts and also told her constituents “I have no intention of voting for a second referendum”.

Mr Corbyn has thrown his weight behind a second referendum following the rejection of his alternative Brexit plan.

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CorbynMr Corbyn could face mass

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