‘Theresa May has FAILED’ - Jeremy Corbyn urges MPs to VOTE DOWN Brexit deal ...

Jeremy Corbyn has criticised May's negotiationsJeremy Corbyn has criticised May's negotiations (Image: GETTY)

The Labour leader has claimed the Prime Minister has failed in her negotiations with the EU with the exit date fast approaching. Last night Mrs May travelled to Brussels for last-minute talks with EU officials where she managed to secure “legally binding” changes to her deal. Ahead of today’s vote in Parliament, Labour attacked Mrs May with Mr Corbyn calling for MPs to reject the deal.

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As Mr Corbyn said: “Since her Brexit deal was so overwhelmingly rejected, the Prime Minister has recklessly run down the clock, failed to effectively negotiate with the EU and refused to find common ground for a deal Parliament could support.

“This evening’s agreement with the European Commission does not contain anything approaching the changes Theresa May promised Parliament and whipped her MPs to vote for.

“That’s why MPs must reject this deal tomorrow.”

Last night, the Prime Minister gained “legally-binding” changes to the withdrawal agreement which stated that

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