The #Queen broke serious royal security protocol on tour – but why? #Royal ...

Queen Elizabeth II’s royal excursions worldwide are meticulously planned and involve a host of key staff accompanying the monarch. The Queen has visited more than 120 countries since the age of 25, and still continues to do so. At the age of 92, she has cut back on trips overseas, leaving particular long haul destinations to younger members of her family. Yet it has been revealed during a trip to New Zealand, she left police and security staff “worried” when she broke regular royal tour protocol.

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Specific rules and regulations are put in place for the UK’s longest serving monarch for her personal safety.

When she visited Wellington, in New Zealand, in 1970, she created a new trend that would set the precedent for years to come.

Instead of going rogue, the Queen discussed the unorthodox move with her advisors before undertaking the unexpected greeting.

Royal biographer Robert Hardman detailed the break with tradition in his new book, Queen of the World.

He wrote of her visit: “Here, the Queen agreed to try out a break with royal protocol.

Royal Travel: The Queen broke major royal protocol on tourRoyal Travel: The Queen broke major royal protocol on tour (Image: Getty)

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