Details of what's happening today in Brexit #Brexit

A third vote on the Prime Minister’s withdrawal deal must take place by the end of this week, with Downing Street stating no date has yet been set. EU leaders have given Theresa May two possible dates for exiting the European Union, depending on how MPs vote in the third meaningful vote this week now that the March 29 deadline will not be met. Should Mrs May’s deal be approved by MPs, the UK’s exit from the EU will be delayed until May 22, whilst if MPs do not vote the Prime Minister’s deal the date to exit the EU will be April 12.

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Here are the seven key events scheduled to take place today, March 25

8.10am: International Trade Secretary Liam Fox will appear on the Today program.

9am: Ministers arrive for an advance briefing on today’s Cabinet meeting.

10am: Emergency Cabinet meeting begins.

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Brexit latestBrexit latest: Seven key moments in Brexit will take place today (Image: EPA)

Lunchtime: PM to hold face-to-face Brexit talks with Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

3.30pm: PM to make a statement in the Commons on last week’s European Council summit.

5pm or later: Formal debate to begin on the Government’s

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