#GameofThrones LEAKED new intro hints at Jon Snow's defeat with poignant images

Game of Thrones stars past and present turned out for the season eight red carpet premiere in New York City on Thursday night.

Cast members and fans of the HBO show were given exclusive access to the first episode of the final series, as well as the redone intro.

Every season the title sequence is changed to reflect the events of the current series and it is no different for season eight.

In fact, some might say the rejigged intro is even more telling than previous opening sequences, as Melisandre star, Carice van Houten, leaked the video on Instagram.

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A snow-covered game board where the minuscule castles lay began the intro she shared, signifying winter is coming.

The Last Hearth, the seat of House Under in the northern regions, is briefly shown, before ice crashes into the city.

Tiles from the board flipped over as the ice spread southwards, however, it appeared to leave the Last Hearth unscathed.

The tantalising clip was shared on Reddit where some Game of Throne fans suggested the intro alluded to the success of the Night King (played Vladimir Furdik ).

Commentators wondered whether the ice would spread, destroying the North and Winterfell as it did, consequently defeating Jon Snow (Kit Harington) and those fighting against the army of the dead.

On the forum, one person wrote: “Wonder if like the usual changing locations if the ‘ice’ will creep down further and further each episode, love the effect and perspective change!”

Game of Thrones season 8: The Night King will lead his army to WinterfellGame of Thrones season 8: The Night King will lead his army to Winterfell (Image: SKY)

Game of Thrones season 8: LEAKED new intro hints at Jon Snow's defeat with poignant imagesGame of Thrones season 8:

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