Theresa May to miss EU exit deadline AGAIN - unless she gets bill passed MPs ...

Theresa May is in a rush to get her Withdrawal Agreement Bill to MPsTheresa May is in a rush to get her Withdrawal Agreement Bill to MPs (Image: GETTY)

The Withdrawal Agreement Bill, the law that will set into motion the departure from the EU, will need roughly six weeks to pass both the Houses of Commons and Lords. The likelihood remains the UK will have to take part in the European elections on May 23. Theresa May has decided to instead focus on getting a deal passed that will allow for an exit on June 30.

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June 30 is the last possible date before the newly elected MEPs are due to take up their places.

Now an influential Cabinet minister has told The Sun Mrs May must introduce the Withdrawal Agreement Bill to the Commons by May 10, seven weeks before June 30.

The Cabinet minister said there was “almost no chance” of getting the legislation through in time, adding: “It would be madness to attempt that.”

The Government are trying at all costs to avoid a situation where newly elected MEP’s from the UK actually sit in the European Parliament.

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