There are 100,000 vacancies - almost half of which are doctors and nurses

PUBLISHED: 17:12, Tue, Apr 30, 2019 | UPDATED: 17:19, Tue, Apr 30, 2019

The NHS cannot continue along this path - particularly after the optimism of January's long-term plan which pledged an extra £20.5billion funding a year by 2023-24, but which will fall apart if these parlous staff shortages are not stemmed. True, some recruitment can be lured from overseas, just as it always has, and the domestic skills shortage is being addressed. But this is a slow process and we need 50,000 new doctors and nurses as soon as possible - for if nothing happens, by 2035 the NHS will need 250,000 new employees.

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In part, this problem is due to the old image of the NHS as a large and shapeless bureaucracy. It should aim to freshen up its image and reach out to a younger workforce, reflect wider career and pay structures and offer a better working environment, so that employees become proud to join a dynamic, world-beating organisation.

It's time for this vital institution to recover its pride and become an attractive employer once again - for all our sakes.


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