You can harvest lavender and sew it into cotton sachets

You can harvest lavender and sew it into cotton sachets
You can harvest lavender and sew it into cotton sachets

The trouble with such moths is they are very difficult to catch "in the act". The adults are tiny, dull, cream insects that rarely fly and only scuttle into crevices so you're unlikely to see them. The larvae are small and cream and by the S time you've found those in clothing it's too late. A hundred years or so ago thrifty housewives packed the family wardrobes with mothballs or camphor as deterrents and today's hardware shops sell moth-killing chemicals.

But for organic-minded folk it goes against the grain to use pesticides to protect clothes, especially in bedrooms where you or your children can't avoid breathing them in all night long.

Luckily, there are several natural remedies which rely on aroma to fend off moths. The ones you usually see for sale are cedarwood spheres or sticks. Old-fashioned lavender bags do the job too. If you grow lavender, harvest some heads in midsummer, dry them and sew into small sachets made from remnants of pretty cotton fabric.

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