'Guardian angel' theory links Trump's assassination attempt to UFOs

'Guardian angel' theory links Trump's assassination attempt to UFOs
By: dailymail Posted On: October 11, 2024 View: 72

Conspiracy theorists are pushing the idea that aliens made an appearance at the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.

Footage from the Pennsylvania rally on July 13 appeared to capture unidentified flying objects (UFOs) soaring through the skies.

A disc-like object whizzed in the background of an American flag blowing in the wind shortly before bullets were fired and another appeared like an orb as the Secret Service stormed the stage.

Some social media users have proclaimed the UFOs as 'guardian angels' who protected Trump from the bullets, which the former president corroborated in saying, 'God saved me' days after the rally.

A conventional explanation would be that the objects were drones surveilling the area, but some reports have claimed there 'were no Secret Service drones flying at the time.'

Conspiracy theorists are pushing the idea that aliens made an appearance at the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump
A disc-like object whizzed in the background of an American flag blowing in the wind shortly before bullets were fired and another appeared like an orb as the Secret Service stormed the stage

Trump was shot by Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, a registered Republican who had also previously donated to Joe Biden. 

The GOP candidate was hit in the ear as he turned his head to speak to the crowds. Chaos ensued after the shots rang out, and one person in the crowd was killed.

'I'm not supposed to be here, I'm supposed to be dead,' Trump said during an interview with the New York Post

'By luck or by God, many people are saying it's by God, I'm still here.'

The moment of 'luck' happened when Trump moved his head ever so slightly, pulling himself out of the direct bull's eye of Crooks' scope.

Social media has since been a buzz about two videos capturing the mysterious objects, with some users claiming spectators at the rally said the saw a UFO 'briefly before an after the first shot on Trump.'

One X user shared: 'UFO’s are always at Trumps rally’s, protecting him.'

While other users are not sold on the idea that the objects were alien visitors, calling the claims 'god da*n funny.'

But a UAP expert has also weighed in on the clips, telling DailyMail.com that the objects in question were 'most likely drones, birds, or a combination of both.' 

'The objects are moving fast, and in closeups, you can see motion blur, distorting the objects' actual shape,' Enigma Lab's UAP advisor Alejandro Rojas told DailyMail.com.

'Events like these often have several drones filming. It is now being reported even the shooter had flown a drone in the area.

'The objects also move in a straight line without making any unusual movements. While we can't say for sure what they are, they are consistent with many videos we get that turn out to be mundane objects.'

In addition to claims about UFOs, conspiracy theorists have also touted the notion that the shooting was an inside job aimed at suppressing the truth about aliens. 

UFO filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee told The Daily Star this week: 'It sounds a bit out there but I do believe that this attempt may have been due to the fact that, if elected President again, Trump would release the full truth about UFOs.'

Lee also suggested some nefarious actors may have wanted to stop the former president from releasing information on an alleged affair between JFK and Marilyn Monroe.

It's hard to know where to start with this one, but needless to say, there is no evidence to support any of these claims.

A documentary filmmaker has come forward to voice his belief that former president Donald Trump was targeted for death to suppress the truth about UFOs
Musician and UFO filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee conceded that his theory comes off as a bit far-fetched: 'It sounds a bit out there, but I do believe that this attempt may have been due to the fact that if elected President again Trump would release the full truth about UFOs,' he said

As the 2024 presidential campaign has gained steam, however, the former president has appeared to become ever so slightly warmer to the subject.

Sitting down with YouTube influencer Logan Paul for a June episode of his podcast 'Impulsive,' Trump admitted that he had 'met with people that are serious people that say there's some really strange things that they see flying around out there.'

'People that are very smart and very solid,' Trump continued, 'have said they believe there was something out there and, you know, it makes sense that they could be.' 

But, he concluded: 'I've never been convinced, even despite that [...] It's not my thing. But a lot of people believe that it's true. A lot of very good, solid people.'

Despite Trump's own dismissive tone — and in the absence of evidence that Trump's shooter had co-conspirators or a coherent motive — Lee maintained that the architects of an alleged UFO cover-up might want Trump dead.

'He's already said he would release all the files on the JFK assassination,' the musician and documentary filmmaker told the Daily Star.

'And I believe that, in those files, will be evidence that both JFK and his lover Marilyn Monroe were murdered due to them both wanting this information [i.e. the truth about UFOs] released to the public,' as Lee told the publication.

Authorities believe the shooter (pictured after the shooting) acted alone. Currently, there is no evidence he had any accomplices

The former president's track record on the roughly 15,000 still-classified documents related to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy tells a different story.

'In 2017, President Donald Trump let the [1992] JFK Records Act's 25-year deadline for full disclosure slip,' former Washington Post reporter Jefferson Morley noted.

'While proclaiming that the Kennedy files had been released, Trump acquiesced to the agency's demand to keep portions of more than 11,000 documents secret,' added Morley, who spent over a decade in court suing the CIA for JFK records

But, 'in 2021, President Biden did the same,' Morley acknowledged.

To date, according to the nonprofit Mary Ferrell Foundation: 'Unfortunately, in many thousands of cases the new document simply features fewer redactions than previously [...] and is nowhere near the full disclosure required by law.'

Nevertheless, Trump has asserted that he will be more forceful on JFK records declassification, if again elected to the serve as America's commander-in-chief.  

'This time I'm just going to do it,' Trump promised during a taping of an episode of the All-In podcast, this past June.

As to why the former president flinched during his first term in office, Trump told the show's hosts: 'I was hit by some people who work for me who are great people that you would respect and they asked me not to do it.' 

'And I'm saying 'Why? Tell me why' and they're saying, 'Sir, I think it needs a little more time.' [...] This wasn't CIA that asked me, but I think CIA was probably behind it,' Trump said. 'They wouldn't preferred that I not release the rest of it.' 

For his part, Lee, the UFO filmmaker, emphasized that 'the truth is far more bizarre and weird.'

During a taping of an episode of the All-In podcast this past June (above), former President Donald Trump pledged to release all the assassination files on President John F. Kennedy should he be reelected in November

'Those who control this,' Lee told the Daily Star about the alleged UFO cover-up, 'most likely a secret compartment of the US Military maybe the Collins Elite, know this truth and believe that the public would not be able to handle it.

One portion of the specific version of the UFO cover-up believed by Lee includes the idea that extraterrestrial beings are currently living in secret among us.

The US government, Lee said, is hiding these facts because insiders believe that the American public 'would not be able to handle it.'

Lee told the publication that, while he disagrees with these suspected government conspirators, he still suspects there are possible answers to the UFO mystery that still might very well be too much for the public to cope with.

'They could handle other life forms from other planets that are physical beings,' Lee said, 'but I doubt they could handle an inter-dimensional intelligence that exists in some other form of reality.' 

His comments echo a study co-authored by two Harvard scientists this June which argues that the solution to UFOs might be time travelers, inter-dimensional beings or even 'another hominid species, or even a branch of Homo sapiens, could have adapted to live underground.'

'Maybe Quantum Physics will eventually be able to prove this eventually,' Lee speculated.

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